How to Connect Headphones to Xbox One – Use Your Regular Headphones!!

Xbox One is one of the most popular gaming consoles in the market that provides amazing games, detailed graphics, and brilliant sound experiences. The high-quality games, loved by millions across the world, have led to mass adoption of the gaming console.

And to alleviate the experience there are numerous to go with it, including headphones. But do you need specialized headphones with the Xbox One?

So, Can you use regular headphones on Xbox one?

Yes, regular headphones are compatible with the Xbox One gaming console and you can easily hook up the ones that you have to the machine. There is a headphone jack on the Xbox One gaming controller and you can plug in any headphone with a 3.5 mm jack into that slot.


Is it possible to use regular headphones on any Xbox?

Not exactly. Unfortunately, if you own the first generation of Xbox machines then there is no headphone jack in it. You will have to use stereo headset adaptor. It’s a small device that can be connected to the controller into a slot located at the bottom of the device.

headphone adaptor

Then you can hook up your headphones to that adaptor and use any headphones with the older Xbox One. Try this out and it is sure to work out for you as well. If in case you face the issue of One Earbud Louder Than the Other, you can try our guide.

How to Connect Bluetooth Headphones to Xbox One

The Xbox doesn’t use the standard Bluetooth technology in the traditional sense as it has its tech that uses a higher RF. This tech is supposed to reduce latency and provide a better audio experience. So, if you are looking for a wireless connection, you need headphones that are compatible with the Xbox series.

Here is how you can Connect Bluetooth Headphones to Xbox One

  • Switch on your Bluetooth headphones and put them in their pairing mode
  • Switch on the Xbox One console
  • There is a pairing button on the Xbox One. Press it to initiate the pairing process
  • After a few seconds, the headphones and the console should pair automatically. You might get a beep on your headphones as a confirmation of the connection
  • Play a game to check if the audio works on the headphones or notpairing mode xbox

How to connect non-compatible Bluetooth headphones with the Xbox One

But what if you have a headphone that is not compatible with the Xbox One? How do you then connect your headphones? You can connect a non-compatible headphone via a PC, TV, through the Xbox One app, and using a Bluetooth adaptor. Here are the steps to do it.

Connect Bluetooth headphones to Xbox via a PC

It is a very simple process to connect your headphones with Xbox One through a PC. For this, you will need to follow the below steps.

  • Download the Xbox app on your PC or laptop. It is available through the Microsoft website
  • Make sure that your PC and the Xbox are connected to the same network. This will only work if they are both on the same internet connection
  • On the Xbox One app, you need to sign in and then connect to the Xbox. Windows should automatically detect the console
  • Once the connection has been established, you will need to switch on the Bluetooth on both your PC and your headphones
  • Put both devices on pairing mode and once the pairing is completed, you will be able to get the Xbox One game audio on your headphones through the PC

Connect Bluetooth headphones to Xbox via the Xbox One app

In order to connect Bluetooth headphones with Xbox via the Xbox One app, you have to:

  • Switch on your Bluetooth headphones, switch on Bluetooth on your phone and pair them first
  • Download the Xbox One app on your mobile phone
  • Once downloaded, sign in to the app with your Microsoft app
  • Click on the icon with two people and then on the next screen you will see a headphone icon on the top right
  • Click on it to initiate a headphone party
  • You are free to change the party settings and select your headphones as the audio device
  • Once you select your Bluetooth headphones as the default audio device, the audio will be toured to them

If you want, you can also play Xbox games through your mobile device. For this, you will need to enable the Remote Play option via the gaming console. Here are the detailed steps to do it.

  • First, you will need to pair your mobile device with your Bluetooth headphones/wireless headphones
  • Now, download the Xbox One app on your phone and log in with your Microsoft account
  • On the Xbox console, press the Guide button to open the menu

xbox guide button

  • Click on Profiles and System
  • Now click on Settings, then Device & Connections
  • In the next screen, select Remote Features
  • Check the box next to Enable Remote Features and change the power mode to Instant On
  • On your mobile phone, open the Xbox One app and click the Remote Play button on top
  • Select Set up a Console, and then select Remote Play on this Device

Connect Bluetooth headphones to Xbox via a TV

It is possible to connect your headphones to the Xbox One via a TV as well. The process is very similar to connecting with a PC but in this case, you will need an HDMI cable. Here is how you can establish the connection and connect your bluetooth headphones.

  • Switch on your TV and enable Bluetooth
  • You will need to switch on your Bluetooth headphones and put them in pairing mode
  • Make sure that the TV and the wireless headphones are paired properly
  • Connect the TV and the Xbox One console via an HDMI cable

xbox hdmi slot

  • On the TV, select the input source as the HDMI slot you put the cable in
  • Now your TV acts as a monitor for the Xbox and the audio of the game will be routed to your Bluetooth headphones
  • Volume settings can be adjusted via the TV remote or through the Xbox settings

In case your right earbud is not working, here’s why and how you can fix it.

Connect Bluetooth headphones to Xbox via a Bluetooth adaptor

This involves additional investment but you can connect a Bluetooth headphone to the Xbox using a Bluetooth adaptor. It is a small USB-like device that fits into the USB slot on the game controller.

Here is how to connect Bluetooth headphones to Xbox via a Bluetooth adaptor

  • Purchase a Bluetooth adaptor compatible with the Xbox One. You will find many options online
  • Power on the Bluetooth transmitter/adaptor and insert it into the 3.5 mm jack on the bottom of the Xbox One controller
  • Make sure that the Xbox One controller is switched on
  • Now, switch on the headphones and enable the pairing mode
  • On the Bluetooth transmitter, press the pairing button for a couple of seconds, till it displays a stable LED indicator
  • Once the connection is established, you can use your headphones with the Xbox One console

How to use iPhone Earbuds with the Xbox One console?

In order to use iPhone Earbuds with the Xbox One console you just have to pair the two devices with a Bluetooth connection. Here is how you can do it.

  • Switch on the Apple Earbuds and put them in pairing mode
  • On the Xbox One console, navigate to the Settings menu
  • Select Devices and Accessories
  • You will see an option for Headset Mic. Disable this along with the Mic Monitoring option
  • You can add a Bluetooth Device and the console should automatically detect the earbuds

How to use Samsung Galaxy Buds with the Xbox One console?

In order to use Samsung Galaxy Buds with the Xbox One console, you need to enable the pairing mode on the buds and then connect them with the Xbox controller. Here are the detailed steps to establish the connection.

  • Put the Galaxy buds into their case and close the lid
  • After a few seconds, open the lid, and then buds should enter into a pairing mode
  • The Xbox console will automatically detect the headphones and the pairing will happen asap


There are many ways to connect headphones with the Xbox One gaming console. Whether you have wired headphones or Bluetooth, all of these can be used with any gaming console. However, due to some limitations with the gaming consoles and with the headphones, you might face some challenges with establishing the connection.

But for every problem, there is always a solution. In this article, you will find ways to connect compatible and non-compatible wired or Bluetooth ones with the Xbox One gaming console.